2022 - History Gal

Hispanic Heritage Month Reseach Ideas

Colorful background with text that reads: Reaseach Ideas for National Hispanic Heritage Month

Did you know Hispanic Heritage Month is September 15-October 15? 



Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Research Ideas

Did you know May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month? 

I recently posted a freebie for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and have had some requests for a list of important people for students to research. So, here's my list!


Teaching Students the Changing Political Boundaries of Europe during the 20th and 21st Centuries

An image of Europe at night from space with text that reads Teaching Students how the Borders of Europe Have Changed, a Blog Post By History Gal


Are you looking for some ways to help teach your students about the political boundaries in Europe and how they've changed throughout the 20th and 21st centuries - particularly what Europe looked like before World War I, after World War I, after World War II, and after the Cold War? I have some resources that will help! 


Teaching Ancient Rome: Organizing Your Content

Ancient Rome is a HUGE unit. There's so much information to cover and it's hard to figure out when to teach what and how to get it all to fit in the time you have to allocated to it. So, I thought it would be helpful to show you how I plan it out.


4 Activities to Include in Your Middle Ages Unit


Text reads: 4 Activity Ideas for the Middles Ages with an image of a hand-made stained glass window and Illumuniated Letter handouts

I don't know why, but the Middle Ages is one of my all time favorite units to teach. I LOVE it! If you don't love it or just need some ideas to help make teaching about medieval Europe more engaging for your students, here are 4 of my favorite Middle Ages activities:

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