A Quick Tip: Take a Break! - History Gal

A Quick Tip: Take a Break!

After a crazy week of end of the year activities, a flat tire, a sick cat, counting Box Tops and Labels for Education labels for my daughter's school, and goody bag failures, I decided I needed to take my own advice and take a break. Since my kids are home from school, I can't take a complete break. However, I've decided to spend less time on the computer this week and do something I really enjoy: quilting.

The Musings of  History GalDuring the last few years, my quilting has taken a backseat to my TpT store. I only have so much "free" time and I've been spending most it in front of my desktop computer. I have several UFOs (UnFinished Objects i.e. quilts), but our neighbor is having a baby soon and for months, I've been meaning to make a baby quilt.

The Musings of a History Gal
 My goal this week is to get the quilt top made and the batting and backing safety pinned together so I can quilt it next week.

I'm doing a very simple quilt. I have a yard of a really cute road pattern and I will border the fabric with 3 1/2 inch fabric blocks.

I'll report back next week on my progress.

This week, take some time to do something you enjoy. It is amazing how it will re-energize you!

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  1. You have one lucky neighbor! I can't wait to see the progress on the quilt next week.

  2. Hopefully, I'll have something to show next week!


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