PowerPoint Hack: How to Reuse Slides - History Gal

PowerPoint Hack: How to Reuse Slides

Did you know that you can reuse slides from PowerPoint documents you've already created? Here's a quick tutorial to show you how!

First, open the document you want to add the already created slides to and follow the directions below:

*These screen images are from PowerPoint 2010. If you have a different version, your screen will look different, but the steps should be similar.

The Musings of a History Gal

The Musings of a History Gal
The Musings of a History Gal
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  1. You have just simplified my life enormously. Thank you so much for the tip!!!

  2. Great tip! You can also open up an old Powerpoint file, copy the slide and paste it into your new document. Super fast and easy also!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'


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